Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Make Inclusive Excellence real in our communities
The GIVE Project
Governance for Inclusive Vocational Excellence
The GIVE Project
Governance for Inclusive Vocational Excellence
The GIVE Project
Governance for Inclusive Vocational Excellence
The GIVE Project
Governance for Inclusive Vocational Excellence
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The Inclusive Excellence approach as the best way to address the challenge of inclusion at both workplace and training environment.

Alessandro Mele

General Manager at La Cometa

The GIVE project

Inclusion & innovation

The “Governance for Inclusive Vocation Excellence” (G.I.V.E.) Project is one of the Centers of Vocational Excellence funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme and represent an alliance of VET centers, Universities and Companies aiming to innovate the VET sector designing and implementing an holistic model for the true inclusion of learners belonging to disadvantaged groups.

The GIVE project is developing a comprehensive model of governance, management and training practices for the development of a truly inclusive VET ecosystem.

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The GIVE Model is an integrated set of practices aimed at promoting inclusion Vocational Education and Training through practical approach. The practices were developed in order to provide VET practitioners, Managers and companies with practical and operational tools specifically aimed at acquiring an inclusive mindset and facilitating the inclusion of learners facing specific disadvantages.

In this section you can scroll through some of the practices that make up the G.I.V.E. model according to your needs. The practices can be selected according to the target group you work with, your professional profile, the topic or area of your interest.

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The GIVE Project

Main activities

Pedagogical and management approaches modelization, training practices modelization, training development and piloting, digital platform and transnational mobility.

Starting from the set of methodologies and tools, recognized as excellences at European and international level, the project will contribute to the above-mentioned objective by implementing and promoting:

Entrepreneurial governance models for the development and management of VET centres and agencies.

Educational approaches and tools specifically aimed at the social inclusion (in terms of training, international mobility, employment) of people at risk of exclusion.

Models for the design and implementation of effective training-work transition activities.