Make Inclusive Excellence real in our communities

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We will listen to institutions, those who work for inclusive excellence and also those who benefit from it.

The current unprecedented global challenges are addressed with great opportunities used in the benefit of humanities. War, migration, climate change, pandemic, a new idea of life and work of youngster and many others waves with technological innovation, artificial intelligence, will shape the future.

In education and world of work a change of paradigm is needed to switch from a performative approach to a human centred one.

A priviledged pathway is the Inclusive Excellence (IE) approach, starting from the recognition that every person is unique, it’s needed just helping to become ourselves to give our original contribute to the world.

In this perspective, the education and work experience have a clear vision and pathway

  • from a pedagogic point of view the way is to favourite the blossoming of each one learning through experience in a personalized pathway to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all (SDG4);
  • the work experience need to reshape the Context for a Personalization putting each person in the right place to implement the competitiveness and promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for everyone (SDG8).

Revisiting Vocational Excellence and reconceptualizing Inclusion from the perspective of the genuine inclusion based on vocational excellence (2022), the
GIVE project invites at its final conference, scheduled on October 1st 2024 in Milan, where the multiple stakeholders to delve together into the proposed transformative set of deliverables that supports the newly approaches of the IVE eco-system.

A multi-voice meeting to discuss and experience inclusive excellence and its future.

The GIVE Project

Since November 2020 the CoVE Project GIVE (Governance for Inclusive Vocational Excellence) activated a community of academia’ representatives, trainers, learners, managers and leaders active in the VET ecosystem devoted to innovate for the purpose of making vocational excellence more inclusive, with a focus on disadvantaged groups.

During 4-year journey, the GIVE project partners from Italy (COMETA – consortium leader, Gi Group), Finland (OMNIA, HAMK), Malta (MCAST, The Malta Chamber of Commerce), Spain (San Viator, Lantegi Batuak) and Romania (University of Bucharest), Belgium (EfVET) crafted compelling narratives by engaging a reach spectrum of stakeholders, inspired actions, and catalysed meaningful change, aiming to move towards inclusion based vocational excellence.
Proposing innovative frameworks, empowering, consolidating or revisiting existing set of methodologies and tools operational in the Centres of Vocational Excellence at the time of the project submission, defining or re-examining relevant practices, designing and implementing training for capacity building purposes, drawing conclusions from the international mobilities hosted by the project as authentic learning opportunities, within the context of mission-driven functional governance (GIVE, 2023), the project is now ready to inspire others all that in view of building more inclusive futures


08:30 – 9:00 Registration and Welcome coffee

9.00 – 9.30 | Introduction and Welcome

  • Francesco Baroni, Country Manager Italia GI Group Holding
  • Alessandro Mele, President Cometa
  • Simona Tironi, Councilor Training and Work Lombardy Region

9:30 – 10:20 | General statement supporting Inclusive Vocational Excellence

  • Roberta Metsola, President European Parliament
  • Massimiliano Salini, MEP
  • Manuela Geleng, Director for Jobs and Skills, DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion EU Commission
  • Biljana Radonijc Ker-Lindsay – Head, Access to Skills and Employment EBRD Gender and Economic Inclusion
  • Borhene Chakroune, Director Division for Policies and Lifelong Learning Systems, UNESCO

Moderator: James Calleja, President EfVET

10.20 – 11.00 | How to reach inclusion and excellence

Roundtable with:

  • Anastasia Pouliou, Expert in qualifications and credentials – Future of VET, Cedefop
  • Georgios Zisimos, Head of Policy Advice Unit, ETF
  • Priscilla Wanjiku Gatonye, Programme Officer in Gender and Inclusion, Youth Empowerment and Entrepreneurship UNESCO-UNEVOC
  • Jennifer Jostock, Technical Officer on Skills development and social inclusion, ILO

Impulse talk: Paolo Nardi, executive Director EfVET 
Moderator: Anca Nedelcu, Professor at University of Bucharest

10:45 – 11:00 | Coffee break

11:15 – 11:45 | Voice of the Protagonists of Inclusive Excellence – 3 success stories

11.45 – 12.15 | GIVE introducing the GIVE Academy: official launch

  • Joseph Zammit,Deputy Director for Inclusive Education Unit, Inclusion and Support  MCAST
  • Andrea Cenderello, Project coordinator GIVE, Cometa
  • Irine Margishvili, Director General Skills Agency Georgia


12:25 – 13:30 | Opening of the Networking Area – 3 pathways for Inclusive Excellence

  1. Innovative learning environmentOmnia– Hamk
  2. Added value support services GI Group
  3. Leadership & management for performance ecosystem (hybrid mode)University of Bucharest

13.30 – 13.45 Conclusion

  • Madlen Serban, Secretary General at National Commission of Romania for UNESCO and Associate Professor of University of Bucarest


13.45 – 14.45 | Standing Lunch

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September 30th
Study visit in Cometa and presentation of work café in LMVH’s office in Milan managed by people with disabilities.


  Cometa’s work experiences for people with disabilities

  • For&Form (shop powered by Inditex) and Contrada degli Artigiani (Cometa’s Carpentery and textile fashion studio) – (10:30 am-12:30 am)

Meeting point at For&From: Via Indipendenza 19, Como CO

12:30 – 2:00  pm | Lunch at Cometa restaurant

Cometa’s VET School

  • VET school, Child Care Center, Cometa didactic bar and restaurant) (2:00 am-4:30 pm)

Meeting point at Cometa, Via Madruzza 36, Como, Italy

Bus shuttle From Cometa to LVMH at 4:30 pm

Visit and cocktail at LVMH’s work cafè

  • Cometa’s work café in LMVH’s office in Milan managed by people with disabilities (6.00 pm – 7.30 pm)

Meeting point at LMVH, Via Alberico Albricci, 8, 20122 Milano MI, Italy

September 30th
Register Now and choose you slot,
places are limited

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