Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union 

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

OUR INTERVIEW: Alessandro Mele, Cometa Formazione – General Manager

Can you provide a short description of you (who you are and your role in Cometa and GIVE project?

I am the President and General Manager of Cometa Formazione, the leading organization of the GIVE project. I am a life adventurer, always discovering how life challenges me and my colleagues in daily activity. Above all, I am a long-life learner, aiming at my personal and professional continuous improvement.

What are the main challenges Cometa faces when it comes to Inclusive workplace/education?

We suggested the Inclusive Excellence approach as the best way to address the challenge of inclusion at both workplace and training environment. If not aiming at being excellent, neither VET nor workplace can effectively include; at the same time, there is no excellence if it excludes someone. The great challenge concerns our attitude. We believe everybody is unique, everybody has an infinite value, notwithstanding any disadvantage: the secret is to recognize that value inside you and make it thrive. That’s the mission Cometa pursues.

Could you tell us a bit more about Cometa strategy on diversity/inclusive? Did it change with the pandemic?

Focusing on every learner, to make them flourish, requires a flexible, innovative and agile system, both at didactic and management level. Personalization of training pathway is the driver of our approach; innovation in our didactic methods made training successful for very diverse groups of learners, including those with disabilities, low skills or with a migration background. Pandemic urged us to strengthen the personalized support, albeit only via digital channels, and to adapt didactics: but at its core, the method stays unchanged.

Cometa involved in the project Give. How you see collaboration and advocacy contribute to Social inclusive?

Inclusion, beside greening and digital, is our common challenge, as recognized by several international institutions. GIVE will support each partner not only to consolidate its excellent practices, rather to generate together a set of new knowledge, practices, tools for inclusive excellence. Collaboration is paramount to make our experiences converge and to produce outputs which can be valid in different contexts. Advocacy, then, comes as a natural consequence of our work: Inclusive Excellence is possible, effective, so why shouldn’t we share and promote it everywhere?

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