Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Inclusion Power: Inclusive training as a fundamental pillar for decent employment

INCLUSION POWER (EN) Last Friday, February 23rd, Centro San Viator and Lantegi Batuak jointly organized the conference “Inclusion Power: Inclusive training as a fundamental pillar for decent employment”. The conference was attended by different agents, from the public administration (Provincial Council of Bizkaia), as well as VET centers and third sector entities (Tknika, Caritas, Plena Inclusion). CSV1 Susana González, Director of the Employment department of the Provincial Government of Bizkaia The presentations by Lantegi Batuak and Centro San Viator stood out, since the protagonists were able to share their first-hand experience. Manuel Morales and Jugatx Menika (Lantegi Btauak), spoke about innovative and empowering learning methodologies, presenting the Lurralan project, an environmental consultancy service provided by a group of people with intellectual disabilities within the framework of a professional certificate in Lan Eskola. CSV2 Manuel Moral Urrutia and Jugatx Menika Cornejo, Lantegi Batuak Anne Álvarez and Josu Alonso, together with Ainhoa de la Cruz and Alfredo Garmendia (Centro San Viator), shared their experiences as participants in international mobilities. Both Anne and Josu have had very positive personal and professional experiences, which they would not hesitate to repeat. In addition, they are applying all the knowledge acquired in their internships in their current positions in Gallarreta and Lantegi Batuak. CSV3 Ainhoa de la Cruz, Alfredo Garmendia, Anne Alvarez and Josu Alonso, Centro San Viator All the knowledge shared during the day was captured in visual format, thanks to Visual Thinking. In addition, we had a “coffee” moment and some pintxos provided by APNABI’s catering service. This conference is part of the GIVE Project, which aims at designing and developing a European Platform of Centre of Excellence devoted to innovating VET sector for the social inclusion of individuals belonging to disadvantaged group. CSV4                              

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