In line with the GIVE project’s inclusion theme we would like to present you with the Omnia Skills Centre (OSKE) and its services that increase professional skills and promote employment for immigrants. The Centre helps its customers in matters related to job-searching and education.
Omnia’s Skills Centre for Migrants was developed by a multi-professional team representing various TVET stakeholders, including relevant government authorities, employment offices, and Espoo’s local municipality, to address a gap in services for unemployed migrants. Omnia’s approach is to empower people and build the programme content on people’s competencies.
Each learner has a personalized plan and a designated Career Counsellor who follows their progress. Other professionals working directly with learners include teachers, social workers, nurses, and work life coaches. From the very beginning, a focus is made on building a common understanding of why and how the Skills Centre supports the learning process and integration of migrants.
The services include a personal career counsellor and guidance in working life skills, training and coaching, support in Finnish language skills, assistance in matters relating to social services and employment offices as well as guidance and support for your coping.
The Centre was opened in 2019 and after two years of activities some very positive results can already be seen. A functioning service package to recognise the competencies and increasing the skills has been developed. Almost 150 persons have found employment and 171 persons have started studying.
The working model and method of OSKE will be shared in more detail and developed further in cooperation of the GIVE partners.
More information can be found at