Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

GIVE project for a cultural paradigm shift

In occasion of the International Final Conference, some of the key speakers and protagonists of the conference have been interviewed to share their views on the relevance that Inclusive Excellence (and GIVE) plays in the context of the VET ecosystem.

From different perspectives (experts, practitioners, researchers), each one pointed out how inclusion is a matter of mindset, requiring to develop a leadership oriented to create an inclusion ecosystem (Madlen Serban | Secretary General at National Commission of Romania for UNESCO and Associate Professor of University of Bucharest).  Anca Nedelcu (Professor at University of Bucharest) underlined that the GIVE’S paradigm shift is not starting from ideas but learning through experience, also in great connection with other relevant initiatives as the SISI network under ETF ENE (Georgios Zisimos | Head of Policy Advice Unit, ETF) or at global level (Priscilla Wanjiku Gatonye | Programme Officer in Gender and Inclusion, Youth Empowerment and Entrepreneurship, UNESCO-UNEVOC). James Calleja (President EfVET) recalled the importance to develop a culture of Inclusion excellence to prepare an effective leadership in VET and in the work environment. To this extent,  Jennifer Jostock (Technical Officer on Skills development and social inclusion, ILO) confirmed how the competitiveness and inclusion can stay together, as showcased by some GIVE practices where companies are supported to create a culture of inclusiveness, giving the right place to everyone.

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