Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Including to be Excellent | GIVE conference

Revisiting Vocational Excellence and reconceptualizing Inclusion from the perspective of the genuine inclusion based on vocational excellence (2022), the GIVE project organised its final conference, on October 1st 2024 in Milan, where the multiple stakeholders to delve together into the proposed transformative set of deliverables that supports the newly approaches of the IVE eco-system. 

The forward-thinking dialogue, filled with opportunities for current and future generations to come, has been organised around the following three pathways.

  • Innovative learning environment| Omnia– Hamk
  • Added value support services | GI Group
  • Leadership & management for performance ecosystem (hybrid mode)University of Bucharest

All the above related to the IE ecosystems, both leadership&management and functional governance, gives centrality to their performance enhacement (efficient, effective, participatory, collaborative, accountable).

The actors of the GIVE community illustrated each of the three pathways with relevant practices and available training courses developed during the project life. Discussions on how they have been documented and on how they sustain the new approaches of the IE, part of a paradigm shift, are taken into consideration. 

The current network of almost 350 experts on Inclusive Excellence in VET has been officially launched to consolidate an “International Inclusion Hub”, where experts and practitioners can discuss, exchange ideas, offer inclusive mobility solutions and share training practices, to generate a real impact. 

At the same time, to start making this paradigm shift real, the partners will take the opportunity to launch the GIVE Academy, a network of experts in Inclusive Excellence who will be in charge to offer training in inclusive pedagogy, leadership&management and governance, inspired by the “diamond” set of drivers developed by the GIVE experts and the training courses prepared and piloted during the project.

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